PTIE Publications, Recommendations & Content
PTIE 2025 UIDP HBCU Engage Workbook
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Publications & Recommendations

PTIE Recommendations
Consensus recommendations for university to use as a starting point for conversations on their campus about how to inclusively recognize innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) impact by university faculty.

2021 Science Publication
Groundbreaking publication with authors from over a dozen universities across the United States describing the PTIE recommendations and a proposed superstructure for recognizing evolving forms of impact by university faculty.

2021 Change Publication

2021 Survey Publication
Results from our nationwide survey results documenting the level and importance of recognition of innovation & entrepreneurship impact by university faculty.
PTIE Conference Materials
2022 National Conference Proceedings
This conference was held July 25-27, 2022 at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA. Representatives from the United States and Canada met to share their latest work and learn from each other.
Proceedings from the 2022 PTIE National Conference can be viewed here, CLICK HERE.
- Welcome and Framing for Morning Session (view PDF of proceedings) by Rich G. Carter
- Keynote Presentation (view PDF of proceedings) by Erwin Gianchandani (Assistant Director for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, National Science Foundation)
- APLUs Public Impact Research (PIR) and Connections to PTIE. (view PDF of proceedings) Panel Discussion with panelist Sandra Brown (University of California at San Diego), Laurie Van Egeren (APLU & Michigan State University), Randy Hall (University of Southern California)
- NSFs I-Corps: Aligning Incentives & Entrepreneurship in Academia. (view PDF of proceedings) Panel Discussion with Dedric Carter (Washington University – St. Louis), Pamela McCauley (North Carolina State University), Rebecca Shearman (National Science Foundation), Karl Mundorff – Moderator (Oregon State University)
- VentureWell: A facilitated conversation regarding how promotion and tenure policies impact early-stage innovator development. (view PDF of proceedings) Chithra Adams (VentureWell)
- Keynote Presentation (view PDF of proceedings) by Pamela McCauley (Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, North Carolina State University)
- Swimming Across the Stream – Developing a Generation of Boundary-Spanning Faculty for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (view PDF of proceedings) James McLellan, Elicia Maine, & Sarah Lubik
- Ball State University: Beneficence and P&T (view PDF of proceedings) Kecia McBride and Susana River-Mills
- Analysis of the Role of NSF I-Corps Training on Engineering and Science Faculty Retention Rates at CUNY (view PDF of proceedings) Jessica Fields & Nhi Tran
- Examining I&E Language in External Review Letters (view PDF of proceedings) Ebenezer Edema-Sillo & Francisco J Torres III
- Modernizing the Relationship between Academia and the Public (view PDF of proceedings) Mary Woolley
- PTIE: Reflections on University Strategic Planning & Holistic Faculty Evaluation (view PDF of proceedings) Bahman Shahri, Blanca Lupiani & Heather Wilkinson
- Being Innovative at Arizona State University (view PDF of proceedings) Deborah Clarke
- Accelerating Public Access to Research Data (APARD): A Guide for Change in Research Universities (view PDF of proceedings) Kacy Redd, Sarah Nusser, Tobin Smith, & Emily Miller
- White Paper for the New President of NJIT from the NJIT Faculty Senate Research Committee (view PDF of proceedings) Michael Ehrlich
- NSF I-Corps Inclusion Summit: A Model for Increasing Awareness of the Value of I&E (view PDF of proceedings) Ariella Trotsenko & Cira Cardaci
- Modernizing Scholarship for the Public Good (view PDF of proceedings) Elyse L Aurbach, Kacy Redd, & Howard Gobstein
- Incentivizing Impact Through Innovation: An International Review of University Policies (view PDF of proceedings) Randolph Hall, Annicka Caprariello, & Amber Patel
- Innovation Training and PTIE: a service-wrapped approach to professional development in support of PTIE implementation (view PDF of proceedings) Ian McClure (Associate Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky)
2020 National Summit Conference Documents
This conference was held virtually September 16-18, 2020. Representatives from the United States met to finalize PTIE recommendations, share their latest work and learn from each other.
September 16, 2020 – Video (54 min) Introduction and Overview of PTIE Effort, Summary of 2019 Survey Findings, Review of Recommendations from Small Group on Metrics and Language.
September 17, 2020 – Video (2 hour, 30 min) Introduction and Overview of PTIE Effort, Review of Outcomes from Day 1 Session, Review of Recommendations from Small Group on Process Changes and Diversity, Panel Discussion: The Interoperability Opportunity of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Promotion and Tenure Process, Panel Discussion: Process Changes in Support of Inclusively Recognizing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Promotion and Tenure, Review of Day 2, Preview of Day 3 and Reminder about Voting.
Inclusive Recognition of I&E in P&T Implementation Process (September 19, 2020) PTIE Inclusive Recognition (PDF File)
Presentation Slide Decks:
“The Relationship of CEO Gender and Age to Performance of Venture-Backed Startups.” Carol Mimura, California Berkley, PTIE Panelist (September 17, 2020) PTIE Slide Deck (PDF File)
“Changing Attitudes through P&T Committee Training: A Pilot Process.” Dawn Bratsch-Prince, Iowa State University, PTIE Panelist (September 17, 2020)
PTIE Slide Deck (PDF File)
“Current Practices in the P&T Process at Jackson State University.” Almesha L. Campbell, Jackson State University, PTIE Panelist (September 17, 2020)
PTIE Slide Deck (PDF File)
Introduction to the OSU Search Advocate Program, Anne Gillies, Oregon State University, PTIE Panelist (September 17, 2020), Introductory Video (4 min).
PTIE Slide Deck (PDF File)